When your life seems like it is out of sorts. I do my problem solving and analytical thinking by setting part time to just think. I do it at home to sort out troubles and discover the best result for all people involved in the problem. Thinking and looking inward is one major part to learning and developing or just being a better person.
Where do you think?
Remember while you are thinking, do onto others as you would have them do onto you.
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Meditating is a good way to think . . . you just lie down, close your eyes, and blast some music . . . classical, punk, rock, whatever :)
I honestly get my epiphany's in the shower. Something about solitude and warm pulsating water on the neck does it for me. I often think..."man, why didn't I think of that before".
Personally, I take long walks in the woods with my dog or I draw. Carl Jung would begin each day by drawing a mandala, a subconscious representation of his daily psychological state. I once knew an elderly woman who would complete small oil paintings of sunrise each morning. She spent a year doing this, and it served as a form of meditation for her. I get my meditative fix in pointing out egregious grammatical errors in math teachers' blog postings.
Well then.......Star Wars to you is like Armageddon to me. "NOW IM A REAL RUSSIAN HERO!"
I have the great and good fortune of having a fifty minute (each way) commute. I have 100 minutes each day to spend on reflection and sorting things out. I love thinking in the car with a good cup of coffee. Nothing can bother me, and I can solve almost any problem, except for the unsettling thought of seeing the picture on Mr. Grasso's blog at present.
LOVE the video bout the kid who called 911 for help. lol
There is nothing like a garden in full bloom and the sounds of nature to unfog all of life's major problems. or just make them feel not so major in comarison to the beauty around you.
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