Thursday, November 15, 2007

Timberlake and I

All risk takers read Dewar's Celtic BLOG

" I don't feel very creative when I am in math"

close second

"I stink at grammar"

"I try not to stink at anything"ME

We will be coming up with multiple operations to solve mathematics problems. We will see if you can find out how many different and creative possiblities there are in math.
There are many.

Can you name one activity that has numbers and is creative... I will give you a moment to think?(look below for the answer)

"Dancing": I called Justin Timberlake, JT as I call him, this weekend (As you all know I use to be his background dancer), and there is bad news. I still can't dance because all my kickin dance moves are copyrighted and closely monitored(sorry people who wanted to see me dance... Music, sports, and games. The list goes on.

Video of the week. Do you know what movie this?


Kay said...

well i have to say our math class doesnt sound very positive when it comes to those quotes but they are pretty funny.

Rob S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob S. said...


Rob S. said...

110/70= 1.39 .01 off after i did math in my head.

Rob S. said...

Ok Rob that has nothing to do with this

Rob S. said...

alex west!!!

R G Dewar said...

I hate any quote that involves the words, "I hate," "I can't", or "I am afraid to". These are whaqt keep us back. I have taught business, mathematics, English, social studies, middle school science, ecology, and some philosophy. I have coached volleyball, basketball, softball and baseball. I have run service learning, yearbook, student council, grant writing and photography. I have done these things because I have said, "why not?"
There are many things we face that are difficult and challenging, and I thank my lucky stars when I am given the opportunity to face these challenges. What a mindless, backward, misbegotten world we would live in of we did not get to face challeneges and try new things.
Learn to think mathematically and see the world that way. Then, become a scientist, historian and grammarian. Then, start asking questions.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I dont know how this realates to this blog in anyway, but there was a really kewl google video that I found that I thought you would really enjoy, so check it out sometime the link is