Monday, November 5, 2007


Picking a mathematician for your third term presentation is not easy. Look for a person you find interesting or you can relate to. I relate to someone like Telsa. No one understood him at the time but he was right about so many ideas.


Anonymous said...

Your right, I don't understand you........

Steve S said...

second dans comment.

can we just stay here and not to . . . well, math stuff?

Emily J said...

How am I supposed to relate to mathematicians who are all old dead guys?

Max Wiese said...
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Max Wiese said...

I messed up terribly on the last one because my keyboard is wikked messed up. It basically told you to go to:

Stacey said...

"I relate to someone like Telsa. No one understood him at the time but he was right about so many ideas." -Eric Grasso...

so insightful...and the truth- sometimes I don't completely understand you, Grasso, but obviously in the end, we all know that you're right.

and guess what? I'm coming to visit NHS in two weeks!! :)

Rob S. said...
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Rob S. said...

gt's during open house night. john Mayer is a good artist, and his "singing" is alright "anywhere". Remember, you must forecheck in the neutral zone!