Saturday, January 10, 2009

Grant Writers to the Zoo with you

In one of my classes a student said we should take a field trip. I told him something that applies to all classes. If you can make a trip relate to the cirriculum, the grant writers will find the money to make it happen. Algebra I is moving on and next we will tackle tickets problems with systems of equations and inequalities. Geometry will be working on 45-45-90 triangles and 30-60-90 triangles. If you find a trip that works I will run it by the bosses and then run with it. Reply with ideas and we shall discuss later or bring them to my attention before school or after school.


Ruta12 said...

we should go into boston for the day and try to find objects that create a trianlges that we are studying. We could bring a video camera and make a documentary outta it for furture classes or something like that.

Ruta12 said...

Mr. Grasso,
Whats up? How are you doing? I like your shoes today they look niiiice. You should really thinkn about wearing sunglasses in side and at night.. its what all the cool hockey players are doing lately.Well.... considering i havent talked to you in a while hows your house and girlfriend doing.. Did you get a dog yet? Is your fish Dead? Do you miss our freshman class...? What kind of car do you own, still the same one as last time? Im blogging in Rogers class because he makes us do this and i obviously would come right to yours cause your my favorite teacher!! Well blogging is weird and i didnt know you had one anyways i should maybe check out what you wrote.. Your youtube video is very weird but you should make a sequel.... bye now i got introuble
Megan Gallahue not ruta

Anonymous said...

i think we should lie about it and then they will think there is a genuine mathematical relation to the field trip and we can go. Everbody wins. And as long as nobody says anything, we'll get away with it.

tory c said...

six flags! we could calcualte the speed of the rides and find shapes within the park...& we could get away with it!

eanderson said...

first of all you spelt curricullum wrong, and what is the picture of? geeze, anyway six flags would be an awesome trip, we could measure stuff and say they're triangular. and thats not fair, ticket problems? thats such an easy and fun field trip, you should move onto like radicals..yeah, try to find a fun field trip about those. WE should start circles. that would work when we go to 6 flags. yeah.

egrasso10 said...

Ruta, we can try to...if we have a map of what we plan on viewing/measure/document

eanderson said...

oh wow, just comment on ruta's...nice, i had good ideas too!

eanderson said...

and you better prep for coaching cuz you already promised to coach softball and there's no backing out now. besides you have nothing to do in the spring so you can coach this year's state champs! (or at least we will be if you coach us!!! ;)] Smiley face with a chin....anyway you and dewar have to. thats just it, you have to cuz you promised to. and me and becca will appreciate it, lots.

egrasso10 said...

Circles are coming soon. In Calc classes the students go to SIX Flags. I don't think the overlap would be fit the map. Thanks for the insight EAnderson. Keep the ideas coming.

eanderson said...

oh, don't you worry EGRASSO10 i will

eanderson said...

so, hows it goin, just bloggin in, yea ik.